Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I know it's a little early buuuut.....

Husband and I have been married for a year!! Oh my heavens where does the time go? September 4th, 2010, that was the best day. Period. No arguments. Absolutely perfect! The best part was when we were in the sealing room. Def my fav. I like to replay that moment in my head any chance I get. I also loved it when Justin and I were sitting in this incredibly fancy shmancy room waiting for our sealer to come and get us. We sat there and whispered to each other and freaked out with so much excitement that in just a few minutes we were going to be sealed together forever! Hugest blessing we ever could get. We're still in that honeymoon period and I want it to last our whole marriage. I can't get enough of that handsome face!

Sooo, in honor of our one year anniversary my sister Carson took pictures of us at the lovely Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles. Carson is magnificent at taking shots and I'm so happy she got to take ours on the beach. They're quite great. (You'll see for yourself in a sec) The funny thing about these pictures is that the Santa Monica Pier is a crazy busy place. These shots make it look like we rented out the whole place and got it to ourselves. Carson was just so good at getting us when no one else is around. So go ahead and ooh and aah over these. I did ;) also little note of the picture overload coming up!

Look at those dreamy eyes!

We had this one framed!

Carson told us to run around. This was the result. Justin ran in circles. Smart alec ;)

so attractive i know. 

he loves me. he really does. 

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